Log into the Gateway eNewsletter, select Mailings. Within the HTML tab of your mailing, click Create, and select Survey.
Create Survey
To create your survey, you will need to give your survey a name. The Survey Name does not display in your newsletter, but it is how you will find it if you plan to reuse it again later. The Survey Title and Survey Introduction do display in your survey. Both of these fields are optional.
You will also need to select your Submit Button Type:
- Submit Only will record the results from each contact.
- None is the default submit only.
- Pre-checked means the check box to opt in to receive future e-newsletter mailings will already be checked.
- Unchecked means the check box to opt in to receive future e-newsletters will be unchecked.
- Submit & Join will automatically opt in the user to receive e-newsletter mailings. other fields should already be completed for you.
- Click Continue to continue to the next step.
New Question
You’ll be prompted to add your first question. Select your Question Style from the drop-down menu:
- Short Text Answer will create a one line fill-in field for short answers.
- Paragraph Text Answer will create a multiple line text box for users to enter information for longer answers.
- Choose Multiple will be a check box option that will allow multiple selections.
- Choose One will be a radio button that will have multiple options but only allow one selection.
- Choose One / Drop Down works the same way as Choose One, but it is a dropdown format rather than a radio button.
Type your question as you want it to display in the newsletter. (The “Question (report)” field allows you to type in the question as you’d like to see it in the Executive Summary.) Click Add Question.
Questions and Answers
You’ll see the question you just created followed by several options.
- If you selected Choose Multiple, Choose One, or Choose One / Drop Down, you will see an option to Add Answer, Click Add Answer for each option.
- You have the option to associate each answer to a particular contact list in the Gateway so that as people answer the survey they are automatically added to the corresponding contact list. If you choose to use this feature, select the list from the “Associate to list” dropdown menu.
- Continue adding answers and questions until your survey is complete. When you’re finished, click Donet o return to editing the HTML version of your newsletter.
Note: Keep surveys short and focused to increase participation.
Reusing or Editing a Survey
Your survey is automatically saved for future use. If you’d like to reuse a survey in a mailing, click Add, and select Survey.
Search for your survey, and select it from the list. Click Edit to make changes, or click Add to add the saved survey to your mailing.
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