All IRS 527 Political Organizations including political action committees (PACs) sending political communications on behalf of a Federal, State, or Local political campaign must be verified by Campaign Verify in order to onboard successfully and unlock the "Political" Special Campaign Use Case with increased messaging limits.
Campaign Verify is a secure, non-partisan verification solution for U.S. Political organizations who wish to engage with voters via text messaging. Registration with Campaign Verify is a prerequisite to completing A2P 10DLC registration for IRS 527 Political Organizations. Successful registration will result in receiving a Campaign Verify token for the organization. This token must be provided to Ascendant prior to us starting the A2P 10DLC registration.
Please register with Campaign Verify here. Then, you will need to securely provide the registration token obtained during the registration process to Ascendant so that we may include during A2P 10DLC registration, and ensure a valid Campaign Verify token is on-file for your A2P Brand on an ongoing basis.
Listed below are some important pieces of information about Campaign Verify registration:
- There is a one-time $95 fee from Campaign Verify per entity verification per two-year election cycle.
- If a EIN is set during Campaign Verify verification (for state, local, or tribal verification only), this EIN will be cross referenced with the EIN used to register your A2P brand and must match.
- A Campaign Verify token can only be imported once. If your organization is using multiple messaging providers, you should generate multiple Campaign Verify tokens — one per A2P Brand that is created on their behalf.
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