All contact lists within the Gateway eNewsletter reside in one location: List Management. From this area, you can search all of your lists, merge lists, update your count of good emails, rename lists, download lists, and archive lists.
Log into the Gateway eNewsletter. Select Lists from the Top Navigation Menu.
Viewing Your Lists
You will see all of your existing lists, the list type, the date the list was created, and a summary of good emails and total emails.
- Sort by any of the columns by clicking on the arrows next to the column header.
- Search by List Name by typing the name in the “List Name” column header.
- Search by List Type by selecting the appropriate list type from the column header dropdown menu.
- Update your count of good emails and total emails for a list by clicking the Refresh icon on the right.
Merging Lists
Staff Imported Lists and Static Lists are the only list types that can be merged.
- To merge lists, check the checkboxes in the “Merge” columns of the appropriate rows.
- Click Merge Selected.
- This will display the Lists to Merge at the top of the screen.
NOTE: When you merge lists, the original lists will be maintained. - Type the New List Name in the empty field and click Merge Lists.
Viewing Details
Hover over the list to see several options. Click Details. Details will allow you to search the selected list for contacts.
Renaming Lists
Hover over the list to see several options. Click Rename. Type in a new name for the list. Click Submit.
Downloading Lists
Hover over the list to see several options. Click Download. You will be able to download the list in a CSV file.
- Click Show Preferences.
- Select the contact information you’re exporting and set your download settings. Make sure the “Delimiters” are set to Comma and the “Qualifiers” are set to Double Quotes.
- Click Download.
- You will receive an email when your download is ready. (Please allow our system about 15-30 minutes to compile the list.)
- When your download is ready, log back into the Constituent Gateway eNewsletter and go to the Top Navigation Actions in the upper right corner. You will see an orange notification with a number of downloads available below the User icon. Click the icon and select Downloads. Click the name of your list to open it.
- Select Open with to view your list in Excel, and save the file to your computer.
Archiving Lists
Hover over the list to see several options. Click Archive. If you are sure you want to archive this list, click OK. The list will no longer display as an active list when adding recipients to a mailing. It will still be in the Constituent Gateway eNewsletter, and you can view it at any time by checking the “View Archived” checkbox. You also have the option to restore it to an active list.
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