To Create an Organization
1. To create a new organization click the blue add icon, select Organization from the drop-down, and populate the organization information (Name, Department, Website, and Salutation).
2. Click Save.
To Edit an Organization and/or add a Person (Contact)
To edit an organization you must do so from People.
1) Select People.
2) From the left navigation, then select Organizations.
3) Use the Search to find the organization.
4) Click on the "Organization name" in the search results to open Organization Details.
5) Click the pencil icon above the organizations name to edit details. Editable organization information includes Name, Department, and Website. Editable Default Contact Information includes Prefix, First Name, Last Name, Suffix, Salutation, and Job Title.
6) Use the right details panel to add, edit and delete organizational details such as email, phone and address.
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